Big Screen Shot


On-Camera Actors:

Hitman Hussle Production Workshop

Learn to perfect your acting techniques for an actual production. This ten week acting workshop assigns a character to each participant and acting coaches help you to perfect the character. Get on-camera experience and see what it’s like to be on set and on-camera during a real production. The finished product is a 30-minute TV episode that will be posted online and via YouTube.

Intro to Acting Techniques.

Discover the major acting styles from Classical acting, method acting, Meisner techniques and the Stanislavski’s Method. This workshop helps the new actor understand the fundamentals of acting.
Audition Technique Classes / On-camera Classes (Screen)
Being comfortable when cameras are rolling and
Scene Study Classes / On-camera Classes (Screen)
Cold Reading (Sight Reading) Classes.
Improvisation Classes.
Commercial Acting Classes.
Body and Movement Classes.

Demo Reel Creation

Along with a headshot and resume, every actor should be working toward having a reel of their work. Ever-changing technology adds to the way we use demo reels and clips so it is very important to have a pristine and polished representation of your work easily accessible to anyone you may do work with. Don’t have experience, no problem. We can create a few scenes for you to create an introductory reel to showcase your talent and acting abilities.

Private Coaching and Character Development

This workshop is designed for those who want to focus on a specific area or character to develop. It can be one-on-one or small groups to provide individual attention to the art of acting. If you want help breaking down a character for a role you either have already landed or are getting ready to audition for, or you are looking for some guidance to the realities of the business in relation to where you are now and rational steps you can take to get where you want to go, the private coaching option is a great fit. The rates are on a per hour basis for oneon-one and . Contact us to discuss what you are looking for and we can help give you a better idea of costs and rates for your private coaching.